Materiały przygotowawcze

SP. _Kl. IV





 ‘I’ve got a surprise for you,’ says Leo’s mum.

‘What is it?’ the boy asks.

Leo loves surprises. He is ten years old and he likes listening to mysterious stories. He wants to be a detective or a scientist.

‘Come with me and see,’ says mum.

They go to the garden. There is a tall boy with blond hair under a tree. He is Leo’s cousin Jim.

‘Wow!’ shouts Leo. He likes his cousin very much.

Jim is 15 years old. He reads a lot of books and is very clever. And he always has time for Leo.

‘Hi Leo,’ says Jim. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you.’

‘Wonderful! I love surprises!’ says Leo. 

‘Come with me,’ says Jim.

They go to the lake and see a boat. There are a lot of colourful lights, bells and books on the boat.

‘Fantastic!’ shouts Leo. ‘Is it yours?’

‘It’s my parents’ boat but the things on it are mine,’ says Jim.

Leo takes one of the books with the title, “School Detectives.” ‘Can we read it?’ he asks.

‘Sure,’ says Jim.

They sit down and start to read the book.


Kim is 9 years old. Her favourite hobby is playing football, and she likes dancing and singing too. She loves all animals, especially her big furry brown cat called Simba!

Tony is 9 years old too. His favourite hobby is playing on the computer. He doesn’t like sports or dancing or singing. He hasn’t got a pet. He likes wild animals but he doesn’t like pets… Especially cats. Especially big furry brown cats!

You can see that Tony and Kim are different!

They go to the same school. Tony likes talking about his science projects but Kim doesn’t. Kim likes running and jumping and skipping but Tony doesn’t!

Kim lives next door to Tony. (…) But they don’t walk to school together and they don’t walk home together. In fact, Kim and Tony never talk to each other!

One morning, Kim is late to school. The teacher is angry. No playing in the playground for Kim today!

‘You can write a poem about being on time for school,’ says the teacher.

‘A poem? Me?’ asks Kim.

It’s time for the break. Tony doesn’t go to the playground.

‘Are you coming to play?’ asks Tony’s friend.

‘No, I’m working on my robot,’ says Tony.

Kim and Tony don’t talk. The window is open and suddenly they hear men talking. (…)

‘This is a good window to get into the school,’ says one man.

‘Let’s come at night and get the computers,’ says the other.

‘OK. At 8 p.m. See you tonight!’

‘Oh, they are robbers!’ thinks Kim.

She goes and tells the teacher about the robbers but the teacher doesn’t listen.

‘Kim, don’t tell stories. Go and write your poem!’

Kim goes back to the classroom.

‘What now?’ she asks.

‘Let’s stop them! I’ve got an idea!’ says Tony. He does a drawing.

‘Look!’ he says. ‘When you open the window, the bell rings.’

Kim is very surprised.

‘Ok. Let’s try,’ she says. ‘Let’s meet after school.’

Tony quickly helps Kim with her poem. (…)

In the evening, Kim and Tony go back to school together. Tony has a lot of things in his school bag! Kim takes Simba.

‘Oh! Is your cat coming with us?’ he asks.

‘Yes! He can help us,’ says Kim. ‘Hurry up!’

Next to the school, Tony is working on his idea. Kim watches and Simba watches too.

‘Now, how can we put this wire on the school bell?’ asks Tony.

‘I can do it!’ says Kim.

Kim climbs up a tree and jumps onto the roof. Simba goes with her. She puts the wire on the bell. Tony watches her.

Then Kim stands up and goes back to the tree.

‘Ok. I’m coming down,’ she says. Let’s hide in that bush behind you!’

‘Well done, Kim!’ says Tony.

The robbers arrive in a van. They stop the van next to the school and two of them go to the window. Tony, Kim and Simba are behind the bush. They watch the men.

One of the robbers is tall with a big head and a long nose. The other is short and very thin. He has a long nose, too.

The short thin robber opens the window and …..

The bell is ringing loudly! Simba is making a loud noise too! The robbers are standing by the window. They don’t know what to do next!

There’s a police car coming down the road.

‘That’s the school bell!’ says one of the policemen.

 ‘Let’s go and see why it’s ringing,’ says the other.

The policemen aren’t surprised to see the robbers.

‘Hello, Big John and Clever Joe,’ they say. ‘So, you’re stealing computers again!’

‘Help, officer! There’s a lion!’ shout the robbers.

Tony and Kim are very happy! Simba is happy too!

‘Let’s go to the police station,’ say the policemen and take the robbers to the car.

When the car disappears, Kim and Tony go home. They are learning an important lesson. You can be different but still be friends… And Tony is learning that big furry brown cats aren’t so bad after all!


‘And I am learning another important lesson,’ says Leo. ‘It is good to be creative and sporty and… to read books.’

‘Great!’ says Jim. ‘But now let’s go. Your mum wants us to come back for dinner.՚

                                                                                              ∞ The end ∞
[Materiał własny; zawiera zaadaptowane fragmenty ‘School Detectives, Jane Cadwallader; z serii Eli Readers].

Zaleca się posłuchać wymowy nowych słów, np. w słowniku

Zauważ, że często, kiedy mówimy o jednej osobie (3 os. l.poj.), wówczas przy nazwie czynności pojawia się końcówka –s (lub –es)

 np. ask – pytać; the boy asks– chłopiec pyta           say – mówić; she says – ona mówi

surprise – niespodzianka
listen (to) – słuchać (czegoś)
mysterious – tajemnicze
want (to) – chcieć
scientist – naukowiec; science – nauka  
shout – krzyczeć
clever – mądry, bystry
lake – jezioro
yours – twój, twoja, twoje (używamy, jeśli za tym słowem nie stoi rzeczownik)
parents’ boat – łódka rodziców
thing – rzecz
mine – mój, moja, moje (używamy, jeśli za tym słowem nie stoi rzeczownik)
favourite – ulubione
especially – szczególnie
furry – puszysty, futrzany
different – różny, różni
skip – podskakiwać
together – razem
talk to each other – rozmawiać ze sobą
playground – plac zabaw
be on time – być na czas (punktualnie)
break – przerwa
suddenly – nagle
hear – słyszeć
the other – ten drugi
robber – rabuś
drawing – rysunek
bell – dzwonek  
ring – dzwonić
surprised – zdziwiony  
a lot of – dużo
wire – drut, przewód
roof – dach
hide – chować (się)
bush – krzak
Well done! – dobra robota!
arrive – przybyć
noise – hałas
They don’t know – oni nie wiedzą
what to do – co zrobić
policemen – policjanci; policeman – policjant  
steal – kraść
disappear – znikać
learn – uczyć się
important – ważne
still – nadal
after all – mimo wszystko
creative – pomysłowy, wynalazczy
sporty – wysportowany
(she) wants us to come back – chce, żebyśmy wrócili 


1. Books are the doors to other worlds – Książki są drzwiami do innych światów.
2. Something very magical can happen when you read a good book – Coś bardzo magicznego może się wydarzyć, gdy czytasz dobrą książkę
    J.K. Rowling
3. Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere – Czytanie to bilet ze zniżką do każdego miejsca. (dosłownie: wszędzie)
    Mary Schmich
4. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow – Ucz się z dnia wczorajszego, żyj dniem dzisiejszym, pokładaj nadzieję na jutro.
   Albert Einstein
5. Every master was once a beginner – Każdy mistrz był kiedyś początkującym.
   Robin S. Sharma
6. A warm smile is a free gift for others – Ciepły uśmiech to darmowy prezent dla innych.
   Leo Buscaglia
7. A rainbow is the sky’s promise after the storm – Tęcza to obietnica od nieba po burzy
    Chinese proverb
8. A walk in the forest is like a conversation with nature – Spacer po lesie jest jak rozmowa z naturą.
   Japanese proverb


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